Source of file ArrayProxy.php

Size: 1,177 Bytes - Last Modified: 2021-01-12T22:04:13+00:00



 * @author Marwan Al-Soltany <>
 * @copyright Marwan Al-Soltany 2020
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view
 * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code.


namespace MAKS\AmqpAgent\Helper;

use MAKS\AmqpAgent\Helper\ArrayProxyTrait;

 * A class containing methods for for manipulating and working with arrays.
 * Get example:
 * ```
 * ArrayProxy::get($array, 'someKey', 'this is a default/fallback value to use instead if not found');
 * ```
 * Set example:
 * ```
 * ArrayProxy::set($array, 'someKey', $newValue);
 * ```
 * Cast (array to string) example:
 * ```
 * ArrayProxy::arrayToString($array);
 * ```
 * Cast (array to object) example:
 * ```
 * ArrayProxy::arrayToObject($array);
 * ```
 * Cast (object to array) example:
 * ```
 * ArrayProxy::objectToArray($object);
 * ```
 * @since 2.0.0
class ArrayProxy
    use ArrayProxyTrait {
        getArrayValueByKey as get;
        setArrayValueByKey as set;
        castArrayToString as arrayToString;
        castArrayToObject as arrayToObject;
        castArrayToObject as objectToArray;